澳洲 Bioisland 乳鈣 90粒裝 Australia Bioisland Milk Calcium 90 Capsules

澳洲 Bioisland 乳鈣 90粒裝 Australia Bioisland Milk Calcium 90 Capsules

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Bio Island天然牛奶的提取的基磷酸鈣,來源於澳洲那一純淨物無污染的地方,頂級的牛奶,提取出最頂級的乳鈣,容易被嬰兒所吸收。
- 鈣在體內的結構的作用,以約99%的鈣被發現的骨架。鈣可以支援強大的,健康的骨骼和牙齒的發育和維持,並最大化骨骼生長。
- 維生素D可促進食物中鈣質吸收,還可促進血鈣向骨組織沉着,對骨骼的生長發育有重要作用。

1. 來源安全,100%澳洲原裝進口。澳紐地區是全球唯一沒有瘋牛病和口蹄疫病例的奶源地,供應全球80%以上的奶源,是全球乳制品監管最嚴格、最安全、品質最卓越的地方。只有頂級品質的奶源,才能提煉出最優質的乳鈣。BIO ISLAND嬰幼兒天然乳鈣是全球乳鈣來源的首選。
2. 全天然牛乳中提取成分 100%無任何化學成分,純天然健康,更適合寶寶。
3. 最適合寶寶服用,更方便,好吸收 一般片劑的吸收率較低,而沖劑會影響寶寶的喝奶量,而BIO ISLAND膠囊液體型的天然乳鈣服用方便,吸收好。
4. 專注補鈣 嬰幼兒的生理特點不同於成人,儘量選擇一些鈣源好、吸收好、口感好、不刺激腸胃的嬰幼兒專用鈣產品。


溫馨提示: *對於4歲以下兒童,切膠囊尾部和擠壓的內容到一個勺子。或者,劑量可以被擠壓到食物。 適合人群: 嬰兒、缺鈣人群、中老年人


BIOISLAND Milk Calcium Soft Capsule Bio Islands natural milk extract base calcium phosphate, which is purely from Australia Where there is no pollution, the top-grade milk extracts the top-grade milk calcium, which is easily absorbed by babies. - The role of calcium in the structure of the body, with about 99% of the calcium found in the skeleton. Calcium can support the development and maintenance of strong, healthy bones and teeth, and maximize bone growth. - Vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium from food, and promote the deposition of blood calcium to bone tissue, which plays an important role in the growth and development of bones. Product advantages: 1. The source is safe, 100% imported from Australia. Australia and New Zealand is the only source of milk in the world that has no cases of mad cow disease and foot-and-mouth disease. It supplies more than 80% of the world's milk source. It is the place with the most stringent, safest and best quality dairy products in the world. Only top-quality milk sources can extract the best milk calcium. BIO ISLAND natural milk calcium for infants and young children is the world's first choice for milk calcium sources. 2. The ingredients extracted from all-natural cow's milk are 100% free of any chemical ingredients, pure natural and healthy, and more suitable for babies. 3. It is most suitable for babies to take, more convenient and easy to absorb. The absorption rate of general tablets is low, and the granules will affect the baby??s milk volume, wh

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