Fibre & Full高纖瘦身纖維粉是綜合膳食纖維的腸道及瘦身保健品,既美味又容易食用。
每次將1-2茶匙 (5-10克)纖維粉加入1/4杯水中,搞拌達至均勻,再加入適量的水至1杯分量後即可飲用。用後再飲1杯開水可增加效果。
High dietary fibre, bulk and weight loss blend
Fibre & Full is an all-in-one dietary fibre based bowel support and weight loss supplement in a tasty, easy-to-take powder form.
With a special combination of psyllium husks, sugar beet fibre, glucommanan, L-Glutamine, prebiotics, bacterial cultures, herbs and stevia leaf extract, the variety of nutrients and high fibre content of this shake make it ideal for long-term use, as well as part of a cleanse and detox programme or weight management programme.
Specifically formulated to contribute to healthy weight loss in the context of an energy-restricted diet, normal blood cholesterol levels, as well as a healthy, varied and balanced diet. Sugar beet fibre, in particular, contributes to an increase in faecal bulk and may have a beneficial physiological effect for people who want to improve or maintain a normal bowel function.
1 serving = 5g (1 heaped teaspoon).
To be taken 30 minutes before a meal.
Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of powder (5g to 10g) to a small amount of water or juice (¼ of a glass). Mix slowly in all directions until it turns into a smooth paste. Stir as you add more liquid until glass is full. Drink immediately and then follow with another glass of liquid.
Take 1 to 3 times daily.