甜樺木精油 Sweet Birch Essential Oil

甜樺木精油 Sweet Birch Essential Oil

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甜樺木精油 | 促進身體的循環、與舒緩關節及肌肉的痠痛








(1)   選用天然精油

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Sweet birch essential oil has a sweet, minty and fresh aroma and should always be used with caution and in correct dilution due to its potentially toxic nature.

However, when used wisely it can be an extremely effective oil and used in an oil burner, a few drops in the bath or blended as a massage oil or cream it is said to be good for sprains and strains, sore or aching muscles and painful joints.

Sweet birch oil has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties which can be very useful for arthritis and rheumatism. It is also used in many skin care products as a softener, for problem skin and in perfumes and colognes.

The therapeutic properties of sweet birch oil include antiseptic, astringent, disinfectant, diuretic, febrifuge, insecticide and tonic.

Aroma: balsamic, slightly medicinal and with a hint of wintergreen. Note: potentially toxic - contains methyl salicylate, (the active ingredient in aspirin) so is not to be used by anyone with liver problems or who is using blood thinning medication, children or the elderly.

Also, to be avoided whilst pregnant or breastfeeding.