[口罩香薰精油] 白千層精油 Cajeput Essential Oil

[口罩香薰精油] 白千層精油 Cajeput Essential Oil

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白千層精油 | 治療感冒和其他呼吸道感染


白千層精油可以治療感冒和其他呼吸道感染, 是專治感冒的藥劑之一. 感冒患者的鼻腔經常分泌大量黏膜, 而吸入白千層精油蒸汽可以清除和抑制鼻腔黏膜內細菌的滋生, 避免引發黏膜炎或鼻竇炎. 同時, 白千層的精油還具有止痛的效果, 可以減輕感冒所引發的頭痛或喉嚨痛.

白千層精油會刺激敏感皮膚, 所以不能接觸皮膚黏膜組織, 必須非常稀釋使用. 它與其他同屬植物的精油相似, 像綠花白千層, 茶樹或尤加利等.

白千層精油是利用蒸汽蒸餾法從白千層的葉子和嫩芽中提煉出來, 精油是黃綠色. 它的活性成份有桉油醇(約45%-65%)、松油醇、松油萜和其他醛類. 具有濃烈的樟腦味. 適合相配的精油有雪松香柏木, 丁香蕾, 岩玫瑰, 野馬鬱蘭, 迷迭香, 百里香等. 是中揮發度精油.


可能會刺激皮膚, 必須非常稀釋使用. 它是非常強力的興奮劑, 除非先用具有鎮定的精油中和, 否則不適用於睡前使用.




(1)   選用天然精油

我們只會選用天然及對人體無害的成份來製造我們的香薰精油,產品不含paraben, 人造色素及其他添加劑;

(2)   確保香薰精油功效


(3)   不做動物測試

所有原料不做任何動物測試 – 我們堅持對動物「零殘忍」。

Cajeput (or cajuput) essential oil is believed to offer some relief against stomach troubles and skin diseases, it is held in high regard in the East being used locally for various ailments such as headaches, colds, rheumatism, and various skin diseases.

The name comes from the Malaysian word 'kayu-puti' which when translated means 'white wood'. Cajeput can be found in blends for acne or psoriasis and can help cool the body but is a wonderful oil to use in a burner and has been known to and may offer help with coughs, colds, sinus problems, asthma and other breathing difficulties.
Cajeput's therapeutic properties include analgesic, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, decongestant, expectorant, insecticide, carminative, and stimulant.

Aroma: medicinal yet sweet. Note: can irritate sensitive skin.