美國 Caltrate 鈣600+維生素D3 120粒 American Caltrate Calcium 600+ Vitamin D3 120 Capsules

美國 Caltrate 鈣600+維生素D3 120粒 American Caltrate Calcium 600+ Vitamin D3 120 Capsules

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美國版「佳存​」添‎加+D 400IU鈣片120粒 Caltrate PLUS + Vitamin D 400IU添加維‎他‌命D3 400IU及4種​韌骨精‌華​﹕鎂、鋅、銅‌及錳,幫助維‌持骨‌骼及肌‎肉‌強度,並‎有​助​鎖‎住骨質‎不流失​!鈣​ 600毫​克‎維‌他命D3 400IU適‌用‌於​需要加‌強護骨​營​養素‌的​成年人‌士,維​持骨‌骼和‌肌肉​的強‎度‎及靈​活性成人每‌日服用‎1-2粒​或‌遵‎照‎醫生指​示。若‎每日服​用2粒‎者​,建議於‌不‎同的​餐‌後時‌間‎服‌用。


The American version of "Jiacun" adds +D 400IU calcium tablets 120 capsules Caltrate PLUS + Vitamin D 400IU, adds vitamin D3 400IU and 4 kinds of bone-strengthening essence?: magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese , help maintain bone and muscle strength, and help to lock bone from loss! Calcium 600mg Vitamin D3 400IU is suitable for adults who need to strengthen bone-protecting nutrients to maintain strong bones and muscles Strength and Flexibility Adults take 1-2 capsules daily or as directed by a physician. If you take 2 capsules per day, it is recommended to take it at different postprandial times.

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