佛手柑精油 | 緩解壓力,減輕憂鬱
佛手柑精油主要功效是提振精神,幫助消除沮喪的心情,可以改善喉嚨痛及退燒。 最早被運用在抑菌效果、有抑菌及除臭效用。 增進食慾,減緩消化不良,脹氣。 油性皮膚,面皰,粉刺,皰疹,協助促進傷口癒合,減輕憂鬱不安,釋放心靈。
- 當在教室,工作場所或家中感到壓力或緊張的情緒瀰漫時,擴香使用。
- 沐浴時塗抹於肌膚並且深吸香氣,感受鎮靜芳香及獲得淨化肌膚之效
- 在茶中加入佛手柑一同飲用,將茶的風味變成皇家伯爵茶(Earl Grey)。
- 睡前塗抹於足部或搭配分餾椰子油按摩使用以利平穩情緒、放鬆心情。
- 在您的DIY手作的潔面乳中加入一至兩滴精油,或在分餾椰子油中加入一滴,作為天然潔面乳使用。
- 將佛手柑添加到您最喜愛的鬆餅食譜中!
- 與薰衣草精油或杜松漿果精油一起擴香。
(1) 選用天然精油
我們只會選用天然及對人體無害的成份來製造我們的香薰精油,產品不含paraben, 人造色素及其他添加劑;
(2) 確保香薰精油功效
(3) 不做動物測試
所有原料不做任何動物測試 – 我們堅持對動物「零殘忍」。
Bergamot essential oil has an uplifting aroma, is excellent for easing breathing difficulties, as an antiseptic for wounds and to relieve abscesses, mouth infections and herpes.
Used to stabilise the emotions and as an energising oil, bergamot is uplifting and balancing, helping to alleviate anxiety, depression, fear or listlessness and encouraging a restful night's sleep.
In creams or massage oils Bergamot essential oil is widely used for oily skin as well as to reduce acne and eczema.
Use in a vaporiser to disperse unwanted odours bergamot also makes a wonderful room spray in times of illness or depression; cleansing, deodorising, and keeping insects away.
Bergamot's therapeutic properties include analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic, stomachic, calmative, and vulnerary.
Aroma: fresh, floral, citrus. Note: bergamot is a photo sensitizer (increases the skin's reaction to sunlight making it more likely to burn) so it should not be used when exposed to sunlight or tanning beds. Avoid during pregnancy.