洋茴香精油 | 鎮定消化系統, 減輕月經疼痛
洋茴香精油是非常強烈的精油, 其90%成份以上是茴香腦, 所以用量太高或重複使用時間過長, 會減慢人體的血液循環, 影響大腦, 產生昏睡感覺。過量或過長時間使用可能會使某些人罹患皮膚炎。理論上, 洋茴香精油可鎮定消化系統, 減輕月經疼痛, 治療心臟及肺臟疾病等. 它還有治痙攣, 排除腸胃氣脹, 利尿, 袪痰, 健胃和有激勵作用. 另外, 洋茴香精油有控制虱子和小蜘蛛的特性.
月桂精油, 豆蔻精油, 頁蒿精油, 雪松精油, 芫荽精油, 蘿籽精油, 茴香精油, 白松香精油, 柑橘精油, 苦橙葉精油, 花梨木精油等. 屬高揮發度精油.
不可在懷孕期間使用, 而皮膚敏感的人亦不應過量或長時間使用洋茴香精油, 甚至不宜使用。
(1) 選用天然精油
我們只會選用天然及對人體無害的成份來製造我們的香薰精油,產品不含paraben, 人造色素及其他添加劑;
(2) 確保香薰精油功效
(3) 不做動物測試
所有原料不做任何動物測試 – 我們堅持對動物「零殘忍」。
Aniseed essential oil was a highly prized commodity in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The Greeks used the seeds for the treatment of coughs, colds and even bad dreams. The popular Turksih alcoholic drink, Raki, is made from the seeds. In Tibetan medicine a blend of aniseed and nutmeg oil was used in a lotion for anxiety, depression and other neurotic systems.
Aniseed essential oil can be used as a room freshener, to help clear tense and nervous headaches or added to the bath to ease tension and aching muscles. Use in a burner or vaporiser for asthma, colds or sinus problems, as well as for quelling nausea and vomiting.
A few drops on a tissue to inhale is said to ease headaches, digestive problems, nausea and vertigo. Aniseed's therapeutic properties are as an expectorant, stimulant, laxative, carminative and antispasmodic.
Top Tip: try using on fishing bait! Aroma: strong and sweet, liquorice-like. Note: avoid in allergic skin conditions or on problem skin. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.