1.絕對不含對胎兒發育不利的維生素A,國內經銷的愛樂維含有維生素A。另外,新款的愛維樂加入了硒。適合從備孕到哺乳期的親們服用,為整個孕期身體提供每日均衡營養。 2.是澳洲市場上含量最高的孕期維生素礦物質補充劑,其中含有的葉酸、碘、鐵的含量都大大超過blackmores,完全達到權威機構推薦的孕婦營養補充量。
100 tablets, can be taken for 100 days
1. There is absolutely no vitamin A that is harmful to fetal development, and the domestically distributed Ailevi contains vitamin A. In addition, selenium is added to the new Avile. It is suitable for people from pregnancy to breastfeeding period to provide daily balanced nutrition for the body during pregnancy.
2. It is the highest content of vitamin and mineral supplements during pregnancy in the Australian market. The content of folic acid, iodine, and iron in it is much higher than that of blackmores, which fully meets the nutritional supplement recommended by the authority for pregnant women.
---One tablet of Avile contains 800 mg of folic acid,
---One tablet of Avile contains 250 micrograms of iodine,
---Availa tablet contains 60 mg of iron,
3. Avile also contains copper, manganese, and phosphorus, which can provide nutrition for pregnant women and allow the healthy development of the fetus.