調理腸胃 平衡酸鹼值
英國保健品牌Specialist Supplement天然淨腸丸(平衡酸鹼配方), 有效平衡腸道酸鹼值,調理腸胃,排毒淨腸,適合多肉少菜、排便不順、進食過多紅肉或酸性食物的人士。
Combination gastrointestinal complex
SPOREgone is an all-in-one gastrointestinal support blend with caprylic acid, herbals, live culture bacteria and other nutrients (see below).
As well as offering support for the GI tract, this food supplement also contains ingredients which contribute to normal acid-base metabolism, immunity, protection of cells against oxidative stress and more.
Ideal for use in conjunction with a low-yeast and low-sugar diet, or as part of a cleansing programme.