Nutri Express的起源

我們知道生活時刻充滿緊張和焦慮,我們亦生活在這個世代。Nutri Express的起源,就是透過天然營養和香薰治療速遞給每一位,為您的世界帶來和諧。我們來自英國的精油系列及保健品,旨在讓您舒壓、放鬆或享受生活。在 Nutri Express,我們希望為每個人的身體與心靈提供健康和幸福。
Life can sometimes get overwhelming and chaotic. We know. We’ve been there. So, we started Nutri Express to help bring harmony to your world through the powerful natural nutrients and scents. Our signature line of essential oils and health supplements originated from the UK were created to help you unwind, relax or simply feel luxurious. At Nutri Express, we wanted to provide everyone health and wellbeing, both to your body and soul.

最新引入英國香氛世家Jo Malone
英國香氛世家Jo Malone London呈獻獨特典雅的香氛系列、奢華的居室香氛與呵寵的沐浴及身體產品,享譽全球。大膽顛覆一般香氛固有概念,品牌交織別出心裁的素材與獨一無二的用香風格,以香氛糅合™藝術隨心所欲地變奏出優雅卻玩味十足的香調,為您創造與眾不同的專屬雅緻氣息。Jo Malone London的獨特香氛世界教人愛不釋手,多年來一直蔚為風潮。

Avena – 源自英國北部約克郡谷地的香薰品牌,那裏天然無污染,有媲美法國普羅旺斯的薰衣草園莊,Avena便是在這樣天然的環境下孕育出最天然、最優質的香薰精油及天然精油護膚品。
Originated from Yorkshire Dales, United Kingdom, Avena is dedicated to sourcing and selling the highest quality natural skincare products, essential oils and natural remedies.

25年英國保健品Specialist Supplements
英國保健品品牌 “Specialist Supplements”,創立於1995年,於腸道健康、消化、益生菌、淨腸排毒、減肥、運動營養等範疇推出多款保健品,經多年研究,每個配方適合不同體質人士的需要。
UK health supplement brand “Specialist Supplements” was founded in 1995. It launches various supplements specialised in Colon Care, digestive aid, probiotics, Cleanse & Detox etc. Each formula can be suitable for different needs.

In Blossom, we believe every women will be more beautiful started from the inside. Blossom targets to bring you the most natural, effective and suitable nutrients, hence looking radiant from the side. Blossom's health philosophy lies in the combined use of natural herbs and vitamins.
熱賣產品 Best Seller
Blossom Flatter Me 60 cap | 英國Blossom Flatter Me燒脂配方 (60粒)
- 定價
- 來自 $299.90
- 售價
- 來自 $299.90
- 定價
$299.90 - 單價
- 每
售罄 -
茉莉精油 Jasmine Essential Oil Blend 10% Jasmine Dilution in Sweet Almond
- 定價
- 來自 $299.90
- 售價
- 來自 $299.90
- 定價
- 單價
- 每
售罄 -
Blossom Night Beauty 60 cap | 英國Blossom Night Beauty 睡美人(60粒)
- 定價
- 來自 $499.90
- 售價
- 來自 $499.90
- 定價
$399.90 - 單價
- 每
售罄 -
Blossom Bye Bye Bloating 90 cap | 英國Blossom Bye Bye Bloating 排水去腫配方(90粒)
- 定價
- 來自 $299.90
- 售價
- 來自 $299.90
- 定價
$399.90 - 單價
- 每