大馬士革玫瑰精油 | 維持水油平衡,減少肌膚瑕疵
Rosa damascena,通常被稱為大馬士革玫瑰,是一種 莖上長滿荊棘的小灌木。這種灌木起源於敘利亞首都大馬 士革,因其療養功效眾多而備受追捧。清晨,太陽還未爬 上地平線的時候,保加利亞的工人便開始在田野裡採摘精 緻的大馬士革玫瑰花瓣。儘管過程艱辛,產量卻很低,需 要超過 10,000 朵新鮮採摘的玫瑰才能萃取出一瓶 5 毫升 的玫瑰精油。由於花瓣異常嬌弱,蒸餾過程必須在採摘的 同一天進行。如此精心萃取而來的玫瑰精油芳香宜人,甜 美浪漫,做擴香使用時當醉人的花香瀰漫開來,整個空間 都充滿著愛和關懷,讓人頓感心情愉悅、舒適自在。大馬 士革玫瑰精油還可作為日常護膚品使用,幫助維持水油平 衡,減少瑕疵,均勻膚色,讓肌膚煥發健康光澤。
(1) 選用天然精油
我們只會選用天然及對人體無害的成份來製造我們的香薰精油,產品不含paraben, 人造色素及其他添加劑;
(2) 確保香薰精油功效
(3) 不做動物測試
所有原料不做任何動物測試 – 我們堅持對動物「零殘忍」。
A blended dilution using 10% of pure rose absolute essential oil blended in jojoba to make this wonderful oil more affordable. Use the blend in an oil burner, massage oil, cream, lotion or directly in the bath for great results and even though this is blended the 10% strength still guarantees a beautiful aroma.
Rose essential oil has always been an expensive and luxurious oil due to the difficulty in extracting it from the plant. It can take 40 tons of rose petals to extract just 300g of this beautiful oil.
Regardless of its price, the potency and incredible fragrance of even tiny amounts of rose absolute makes it a sound investment especially considering that a dozen fresh roses costs around £20.00 and it takes about three dozen roses to produce a single drop of oil.
Used in an oil burner, a few drops in the bath or blended as a massage oil or cream, rose oil is a popular perfume and excellent antidepressant, calming the nerves and soothing the digestive system, it is especially beneficial for mature, dry or sensitive skin.
Rose is also known to be used for lack of confidence, is wonderfully uplifting and is thought to help those who lack love in their lives, a very important oil in aromatherapy.
The therapeutic properties of rose oil include antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericidal, sedative, stomachic and tonic.
Aroma: a divine sweet floral scent. Note: do not use when pregnant or breastfeeding.
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